Life Before Death

I must say that I very much enjoy reading these sort of books, I find them incredibly moving and sometimes even life changing.
Life Before Death by Colin Fry happens to be one of those books that just turned me into a blubbering mess!
I would recommend this book to all of those who are interested in spirituality and the paranormal...and to those who may have lost close family members or friends and need a place of comfort and solace. I personally found this book to be very moving in the sense that it teaches you to remain positive in certain situations and to forgive in order to move on in your life before it is too late.
This book is very different compared to his other books as it deals more with life BEFORE death rather than focusing on the spirit world...so if you would prefer to read more about the authors psychic connections then I would say read one of his other books instead of this one. I myself prefer a book more focused on the after life which made me knock a star off of this one, not because it is a bad book in any way but because I would prefer some of his other work. He does document a small amount of his readings, however, it is not the book's main focus. Fry talks about some of the little things we could do in order to enrich our lives and to follow our dreams.
Once I finished this book I was deep in thought reflecting about my own life which is why I recommend buying a copy of this book to keep so you can keep referring back to it time and time again. I understand how easy it is to get wrapped up in the negativity of life sometimes, this is one of those books that may help you to focus on some positive aspects.