Night Shadows: Queer Horror

Night Shadows: Queer Horror - Greg Herren, J.M. Redmann, Nathan Burgoine, Jewelle Gomez, Jeffrey Ricker, Victoria A. Brownworth, Lee Thomas, Carsen Taite, Felice Picano, Vince Liaguno, Steve Berman, Carol Rosenfeld, Michael Rowe, Lisa Girolami I found this book whilst browsing the shelves at my local library, the front cover intrigued me and the genre even more so. I love horror novels and when I noticed that this had a LGBT theme I thought 'how brilliant!', I didn't hesitate to pick this up. Once I got the book home I decided to look up some reviews and noticed that the majority were 4 and 5 stars...I was excited as I thought I had found a gem. Well...I'm the minority.

Me whilst reading Night Shadows...


I was so disappointed and really thought I must have missed something due to all of the glowing reviews but I only liked 4 out of the 14 stories. My favourite was definitely 'Ordinary Mayhem' which was the longest story in the book. I thought it was gripping, gruesome and positively twisted. Unfortunately I couldn't give this book any more than 2 stars because as a collection this was pretty poor. I don't recommend purchasing this book. As far as I know 'Ordinary Mayhem' is being released as a full length novel so I highly recommend just waiting for that (I wish I did).

I found the majority of the stories either confusing, repetitive, dry or just plain pointless to be honest...the ones that were a couple of pages in length just had me sighing in frustration.
This, for me, would not be a re-read.